WWF & Spotify

WWF (World Wildlife Fund) is teaming up with the music streaming company, Spotify, to encapsulate the serenity within wildlife. The album cover’s feature endangered species from different locations worldwide including Ecuador, Africa, and the four major oceans. The sounds of these powerful animals within their natural habitat creates a tranquil sound.

The addition of instrumental music featured by artists like Lindsey Sterling add movement throughout the individual pieces. For example: an elegant amur leopard running 37mph through the grasses of Southeastern Russia accompanied by a violin gradually increasing it’s pace. The combination of sounds can make you feel as though you’re alongside these endangered species. Experiencing their lifestyle through strictly sound, while relating it to the imagery from the albums.

The impact WWF & Spotify can have on these endangered species is outstanding. It will inspire the new generation to engage and change their behavior for the benefit of these species. Spotify is an opportunity to allow for a pure emotional connection and offer an impactful experience. Together, WWF and Spotify can lead an influential trend for the community to save and protect endangered species.

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